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METRC Integration Overview

Flourish provides the most comprehensive Seed to Sale data integration for Metrc nationwide.

Flourish provides the most comprehensive data integration for cannabis operators using Metrc nationwide. Flourish Reverse Syncs from Metrc bringing in your historical and active data. Ongoing, the Forward Sync to METRC occurs in real-time. We also offer the ability initiate a Full Sync manually, which happens automatically each night to ensure the data in both systems match. If Metrc is down or slow, Flourish is able to queue the messages and update Metrc when it comes back online.


  • Facility API Key
  • User API Key(s)

Flourish is a certified integration vendor for Metrc and is able to transfer the following data sets:


  • Plants
  • Harvests
  • Packages
  • Rooms
  • Strains 
  • Items

Manufacturing and Distribution

  • Packages
  • Strains
  • Items
  • Destinations


  • Packages
  • Items
  • Strains
  • Sales

Flourish can perform the synchronization of data between both entities.  Data can be moved from Metrc into Flourish and Flourish into Metrc. 

Flourish METRC blog-01

Flourish developed an easy way to get onboarded with Metrc by installing Flourish first.  

How it works:

  1. Implement and start using Flourish (Cultivation, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail or all)
  2. Attend Metrc training and then provide Flourish with:
    1. State License #
    2. Metrc API Key for each user
  3. Provide Flourish with your Plant and Package tag numbers.
  4. Mutually select a date to go live before the Metrc deadline
  5. Do an inventory count and ensure the numbers in Flourish are accurate
  6. Apply Metrc plant and package tags to current inventory in Flourish
  7. Flourish will upload the tags and Items back to Metrc and then we will also populate the following automatically:
  • Grow Rooms (clone, veg, flowering, drying)
  • Strains
  • Plants
  • Items (Flourish Item Master)
  • Destinations (Note: Address information is not pulled from Metrc, so will need to be updated in Flourish)

You are now "live" with Flourish and Metrc.

Changes in Metrc

Due to Metrc's lack of an open API in all areas, there are still a few corrective changes to plants and/or packages need to be completed in Metrc. For example:

  • Updating/changing a strain to a plant before harvest
  • Fixing/changing the item of a package
  • Creating a lab sample and sending it to a lab (in certain states)

The following Metrc FAQ lists how to perform these changes in METRC here*.

As Metrc adds new functionality to its API, Flourish is reguarly updating the integration to stay in compliance with state requirements.

How did we do?

How to find or generate your METRC API key
