Florida BioTrack Cultivation Management

Updated by Admin CG

This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

Manage all plants within Flourish's Cultivation Module. Refer to the Florida BioTrack Propagation help document for instruction on how to create clones, plant tissue, and seeds as well as how to plant plants. Refer to the Florida BioTrack Harvesting help document for instructions on how to harvest plants and manage the drying and curing process.

Plant Barcodes and Syncing

The BioTrack STS system generates plant barcodes. When a user creates the plants, Flourish sends the relevant information to BioTrack. BioTrack returns the barcodes as the Plant IDs.

Print Plant Tags using the print icon within the Group screen

Use the eye icon to quickly view all plants. This navigates to the plants screen and filters it by the group name.

See the "Sync Status" in the Plants screen (available in Vegetation, Mother, and Flower). The green checkmark indicates that the plant record is "in sync" with the state traceability system.

Plant Screen

This screen is available in Vegetation, Mother, and Flowering phases. Here are some tips on how to best use it.

  • Use Ctrl/Command + click to select multiple rows or to deselect selected row
  • Use Shift + click to select a sequence or rows
  • Hover selected count to see details
  • Use % for wildcard search, e.g. ak%47 to search by a pattern. The search works by Plant ID, Group Name, Strain, and Area.
  • Use the Action menu to print or re-print plant tags as needed.

Plant Phases

Flourish groups plants into three phases within the cultivation module. BioTrack considers immature plants (clones) as inventory, and they are tagged with a package tag and managed within the inventory module.

  • Vegetation Phase
  • Mother Plants
  • Flowering Phase

[Coming Soon: Ability to mark any plant as a "Mother" to take clones, plant tissue, or seeds from it]

Plant Movement

Use the "Move Group" or "Move Plant" functions to move plants between Vegetation, Mother, and Flower. BioTrack doesn't restrict plant movement. Flourish expects all plants to be in a "Group," so the application will prompt to "Split Group" if moving individual plants the application.

Package from Plant

Use the "Package from Plant" menu option to take clones, plant tissue, and seeds into inventory. More details are in the Florida BioTrack Propagation help document.

Clone from Plant

Use the "Clone from plant" menu option within a Mother group or Mother plant (or any plant marked as a "mother") to create Plant IDs directly from a plant in Cultivation. More details are in the Florida BioTrack Propagation help document.

Change Strain

Use the "Change Strain" feature within the Group or the Plant screen to change the strain for a plant in cultivation.

Select the new strain. This is useful to change all plants of a strain within a group to a new strain.

The action exists in the Plant screen as well.

This is useful to change only a select number of plants to a new strain.

Record Waste

Use the "Record Waste" menu option to document plant waste from a group in Cultivation. This will create a waste Package ID in Inventory.

  1. Use the menu action within the group or plant screen
  2. Fill in the relevant details
    1. The weight of the waste package to make
    2. A comment is useful
    3. Select the date
    4. Choose where the waste will be created. This must be an "Inventory" area type
  3. Manage the waste using the Inventory Destruction workflow.

Destroy Plants

In BioTrack plant destruction is a two-step process. First, schedule the plants for destruction. Second, mark the plants as destroyed. Plants must be "scheduled for destruction" 72 hours before they can be "destroyed" in the system.

Schedule Destruction

  1. Select the plants to destroy
  2. Confirm the Date, enter a Note, and select a Waste Reason.
  3. Click Schedule to start the waiting period

Un-schedule Destruction

  1. Select the plants that are currently schedule for destruction
  2. Use the "Unschedule destroy" menu option

Complete Destruction

This is a final action and can't be undone. Flourish will through an error if the 72-hour waiting period isn't complete. The destruction screen supports scanning plant IDs.

  1. Select the plants that are currently scheduled for destruction
  2. Use the Destroy Plants menu action to complete this process

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