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Florida BioTrack Inbound Receiving and Transfers

Florida BioTrack: Receive an inbound transfer and manage purchase orders (POs) within Flourish Software

Admin CG
Updated by Admin CG
This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software.

Flourish Software supports multiple workflows around purchasing and receiving within the inbound module. This help document walks through the steps to compliantly receive cannabis inventory transferred between facilities with the BioTrack STS system integration turned on.

Florida requires cannabis MMTCs to be completely vertically integrated and restricts them from buying, selling, or transferring cannabis material between MMTC licensees other than transferring lab samples to and from a Testing Lab.

Receiving Shipped Inventory for a Cannabis Shipment

Follow these steps to receive inventory shipped to a facility within the same company.

  1. Confirm the arrival of the shipment by clicking the car icon to mark it as arrived.
    BioTrack requires shipment arrival confirmation. Before receiving, confirm that the vehicle arrived at the destination facility by clicking the red car icon to ensure it is green.
    • Red means "Not arrived."
    • Green means "Arrived." You can receive inventory only after the car icon is green.

    You can confirm in two ways (see the pictures below):
    • In the Inbound Purchase Order.
    • In the Outbound Module within the Shipment tab for the shipping facility.
When shipping to a testing lab, you must click the car icon and set it to "Arrived"; otherwise, the lab cannot accept the sample.

Inbound UI: within the Inbound Purchase Order.

Outbound UI: within the Shipment tab for the shipping facility.

    Within the Inbound Module for the receiving facility, navigate to the Transfers tab and click "Sync from BioTrack" to sync in the inbound transfer that corresponds to the outbound shipment if, for some reason, you don't already see the transfer there. Flourish should trigger this automatically.

  2. All inventory is received against the Purchase Order and then "Finalized" to bring into Inventory. BioTrack requires us to confirm the entire transfer at once.
    1. Optional: Scan to receive using the scanner icon .
    2. Optional: Mark as "received" within each PO Line.
  3. You must "Finalize Receipt" of the inbound process to receive the inventory in your facility.
    Scanning or receiving per the order line is optional but not final.
    You can skip scanning or receiving per order line, but even if you chose one of them, to get the inventory into your facility, you must do the following:
    1. Click "Receive All".
      Receive All
    2. Fill out any missing data. See the section below for full and partial rejections.
    3. Click "Finalize Receipt"
  4. Flourish has a system configuration enabled to automatically create a corresponding inbound Purchase Order for the outbound shipment. This allows us to efficiently transfer the barcoded cannabis packages as well as non-cannabis inventory and reduce data entry during receiving. Navigate to the Inbound Module's Purchase Order screen and use the "Receive All" function within the corresponding PO to accept inventory.
    Ensure that a Default Receiving Area is defined in the Settings > Configuration screen.
  5. Inventory is now available in the Inventory Module. Re-locate as needed.

Receiving Shipped Inventory for External Shipment

This process follows the same as the above.

Troubleshooting & Error Handling

Take these steps to correct mistakes or resolve errors during the receiving process.

Location Required

All inventory must be located in an Area in Flourish. Please select the Area upon receiving.

Manifest Not Flagged as Arrived

If you receive the error "The TransferID provided links back to a manifest stop that is not flagged as arrived by the driver" please mark the PO as "arrived."

Reject a full Package on Receiving

If the shipper accidentally shipped the wrong package number for an item or if the product didn't arrive (missing package), take these steps to "reject" the package.

  1. On the Receiving Log, enter 0 for the package quantity to receive
  2. This will return the package as a Return Purchase Order to the shipping location
  3. The shipping location will receive this back into inventory

Reject a partial Package on Receiving

If units are damaged or have other issues, take these steps to "reject" part of a package.

  1. On the Receiving Log, enter the quantity to receive
  2. This will create a return the package ID for the non-received quantity
  3. This will also create a Return Purchase Order to the shipping location
  4. The shipping location will receive this back into inventory

The PO has "RE-" in front of the number:

How did we do?

Florida BioTrack: Report Ingredients During Manufacturing

Florida BioTrack Order Fulfillment and Shipping
