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2022.05.17 Software Release 4.61.0

Version 4.61.0 Summary. Manufacturing New grid of runs with more columns of data. Global search for manufacturing grid of runs. Users can update manufacturing run type on completed manufacturing runs…

Version 4.61.0


  1. Manufacturing
    1. A new grid of runs with customizable columns of data and global search.
    2. You can update the manufacturing run type and other attributes on completed manufacturing runs.
  2. METRC Item Syncing
    Easy ability to sync items from METRC by name.
  3. Analytics
    1. Retail - Till Transaction Report 2.0.
    2. Cultivation - Applied Inventory to Plants.
    3. Adjusted Plant Detail Report.
    4. New List of Packages by Date and Status.
  4. METRC Distribution
    Use by date and production date fields will carry over for packages transferred in METRC.
  5. External API
    We added more search capabilities to the GetInventory & GetInventorySummary endpoints.
  6. Bulk Item & Strain Update
    Now you can Bulk Disable Items & Strains in your Item Master.



A new screen with more data.

The manufacturing runs grid now includes additional data and columns. As with many other grids across the application, the grid columns are now customizable.

Search by run name, extraction, machine, or lot number

Update completed manufacturing runs

Previously, the run type was locked once a user had completed a manufacturing run. We've now opened the ability to update the run type, along with a number of other reference attributes, on completed manufacturing runs.

Metrc Item Syncing

Sync items from Metrc by name

Now it's even easier to sync new items from Metrc into your system. Learn more here.


Till Transaction Report enhancements

Find it in Reports / Retail - Till Transaction Report.

We added new columns to the Till Transaction Report, renamed some columns, and moved some things around.

Applied Inventory to Plants

Find it in Reports / Cultivation - Applied Inventory to Plants.

Track different items added to your plants during cultivation per plant group.

Added a Plant Detail Report

Find it in Reports / Cultivation - Plant Detail Report.

Tracks plants, their origin, and other helpful audit details.

Inventory - All Packages

Find it in Reports / Inventory - All Packages.

Created a new report of all packages and their current status with filters for particular creation dates.

METRC Distribution

More data for packages transferred in METRC.

We're working hard to reduce the amount of double data entry that has to occur. We recently added some fields that would follow a package from one facility to another when transferred within the same company. We continued that trend and added the "Use By Date" and "Production Date" to follow packages transferred via METRC.

External API

We added support for lot_number & has_available_qty query parameters to GetInventory and GetInventorySummary.

External API users can now search for Inventory by Lot Number that is in stock. Learn more here.

We added support for a group_by query parameter to GetInventorySummary.

This parameter returns an alternative view of the InventorySummary, pivoted by Lot Number. Regardless of the group by value, results will always be grouped additionally by strain_name and variation_name. Learn more here.

Bulk Disable

The recently released Bulk Import/Update features now support an additional column.

Users with permission to Bulk update items/strains can now use the CSV Import to disable items & strains in Flourish.

Disabling items or strains via Bulk Import/Update will not trigger the deactivation of those items/strains in any external system.

Learn more here:

How did we do?

2022.05.03 Software Release 4.60.0

2022.06.01 Software Release 4.62.0
