Florida BioTrack: Kief SOP

Updated by Admin CG

This document is specific to the Florida BioTrack STS Integration for Flourish Software

Kief can only come from an "Other Material Lot" item within the BioTrack State System for Florida. To create Kief, follow these steps.

  1. Record 1 gram of "Other Material" in the Processing screen when you Sync Cure. This will generate a package ID to "hold" for kief collection at a later date. The default item name is "Strain Name - Other Material"
  2. Convert this to the specified item name for Kief. Ex: Strain Name - Kief
    1. Use the action "Create Package"
    1. Choose "Lot" to create an "Other Material Lot" item
  3. Define a process to keep this package ID with the primary flower package(s). Use a saved view on the All Packages screen to monitor this, if helpful.
  4. Collect kief during the trimming/flower processing activities. When ready split/sublot the keif weight into a new package ID. If helpful, use the Ref Field 1 to indicate this is "KEIF"
  5. Adjust the kief package up to match the weight of the keif collected
    1. Actions > Adjust Qty
    2. Choose Other and write a comment such as "KIEF from {package ID}'
  6. Adjust the source Flower Lot package to zero to complete this process.
    1. Choose Other and write a comment such as "KIEF to {package ID}"
  7. Now you are able to convert the Kief to a Kief end product

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