Flourish Wholesale Portal Setup and Activation Instructions

Updated by Vien Trinh

Flourish Wholesale Portal Overview

The Flourish Wholesale Portal uses our Flourish WooCommerce Plugin to provide cultivators, brands, and manufacturing operators with a personalized, supply-chain integrated B2B e-commerce experience. Easily hosted by Flourish, yourself, or through a partner Agency, WooCommerce + WordPress allows operators to own their data, experience, and workflows to support your B2B channel with a low cost of ownership. Key benefits include:

Real-time inventory Sync, Automatic Order Processing, Security through Access Restrictions, Cost-effective, Brand Empowerment & Engagement, and (coming soon) Lot-based purchasing.

The Flourish Wholesale Portal expands your B2B selling, branding, and customer experience.

We built this integration with WooCommerce to give you:

  • Create a Real-time sales menu
  • Offer a seamless, personalized sales experience for your customers
  • Make the sales to fulfillment process simple, efficient, and straightforward.
Note: At present, online payments are not supported, but are on our roadmap.

Initial Setup

The information here focuses on the Flourish WooCommerce Integration Initial Setup for the Flourish Wholesale Portal.


  1. WordPress site is created and Woocommerce is installed. Follow instructions on setting up your Wordpress and Woocmmcer
  2. Flourish instance is created and data is cleaned up.
  3. (for operators with existing WordPress site) WordPress data is mapped with Flourish data.
To learn more about setting up WordPress and WooCommerce, click here.

If you need help setting up your WordPress site, we have some recommended WordPress and WooCommerce partners to help you at each step. Interested? Get in touch with us!

We recommend putting an age gate and password protecting your product page. Below are some plugins that are relatively affordble and have been tested. Install all three.

Age Gate

Age Gate Plugin: To restrict access based on age, consider installing the "Age Gate" plugin.

Password Protection
  • Password Protect WordPress Lite. You can also use this plugin to restrict site content access.
  • Flourish WooCommerce Lock Plugin. This plugin restricts access to WooCommerce pages for users who are not logged in and redirects them to the login page. It also modifies Elementor widget content for non-logged users.
    This setting in the Age Gate plugin should be enabled to work correctly on the first load. This lock is not guaranteed to work with other age gate plugins or other page builders, but it will work for Elementor, blocks, and regular WP sites.

Steps to activate this plugin:

Add New Plugin.

Upload Plugin.

  1. Download the Flourish WooCommerce Lock.
  2. Go to your WordPress Site.
  3. Click on Plugins.
  4. Click Add New Plugin.
  5. Click Upload Plugin and follow the prompts to select the zip file.

Add New Plugin

Flourish is currently supporting WooCommerce hosting and setup internally. For Agencies and customers working with them, we'd love to support you, too. Please contact partners@flourishsoftware.com

Before you set up and activate your Flourish Wholesale Portal, follow the steps below to ensure that all the data and the data points are ready, for things to run smoothly between WooCommerce and Flourish Software.

Match the Data Points

Data points
  • Items in Flourish map to Products in WooCommerce by the SKU.
  • Customers in WooCommerce map to Destinations in Flourish by the License Number. Flourish allows Destinations to have the same name but different license numbers when syncing incoming Orders from WooCommerce.
  • Brands - By Name.
If items from WooCommerce already exist in Flourish, make sure the SKU matches between the two items. Mapping prevents Flourish from overwriting or creating duplicates.


Flourish is the point of truth for all item and inventory information. That means items and inventory created in Flourish sync to WooCommerce automatically. You can choose to sync item info, inventory levels, or both.

  • Items are created in Flourish first. WooCommerce will "listen" to Flourish's Item webhook for new items to list on the website.
  • The integration will use the SKU field (Flourish's unique identifier) for synchronization.

The following data elements for items flow from Flourish to WooCommerce, so ensure all are accurate in Flourish. To learn more about creating/updating items in Flourish, click here.

  • Item Name
  • SKU
  • Category
  • Price
  • Description
  • Brand

Only "E-Commerce Active" items will sync to WooCommerce. To enable to the item to sync to WooCommerce when the integration is turned on, go into Flourish Software and find the item to enable "E-commerce Active"

  1. Go to Settings > Inventory.
  2. Find the item and click Edit.
  3. Toggle ON the E-Commerce Active rule.
You have the option NOT to sync some of these attributes and directly manage them in WooCommerce. After syncing the initial item, you can directly manage Attributes like product images, tiered pricing, and custom fields in WooCommerce.

For existing WooCommerce users

To avoid Flourish creating duplicates in WooCommerce, the SKU between the two systems needs to match. Update the SKU in WooCommerce by following the instructions below:

  1. Go to Inventory.
  2. Find and click the item you want to update the SKU for, then click Edit.
  3. Add the SKU for the parent item and click Save.
DO NOT update the SKU in Flourish if integrated with LeafLink or QuickBooks to maintain seamless functionality. Please update the SKU directly in WooCommerce.


  • Customers in WooCommerce map to Destinations in Flourish
  • A New Destination will be created in Flourish if a customer in WooCommerce is not in Flourish Software when the order is synced
You Are Now All Setup and ready to activate your integraton!

Activating your Flourish Wholesale Portal

Here are the steps to set up and activate your Flourish WooCommerce Integration, enabling direct order fulfillment from your website within Flourish.

  1. Flourish WooCommerce Plugin Installation
  2. Flourish WooCommerce Plugin Setup
  3. Configure and Enable Webhooks for both WordPress and Flourish
  4. Sync Items/Products

Flourish WooCommerce Plugin Installation

Now, you will install the Flourish WooCommerce plugin using the latest version.

  1. Navigate to the Release Page and download the .zip file.
    1. Select "Tags" to find the latest version.
  2. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New to upload.
  3. Click Upload Plugin at the top.
  4. Click Choose File and select the .zip file you downloaded in step 2.
  5. Select Choose.
  6. Click Install Now.
  7. Click Activate.

Once the Flourish plugin is installed and activated on your WordPress site, you can access it through the Settings tab in the left navigation bar.

Updating the Plugin

When we release an update, you can download the latest .zip from the Release Page. Follow the same Procedure as above to upload the new .zip file. Instead of installing, WooCommerce will prompt you to upgrade.

Flourish WooCommerce Plugin Setup

Follow these steps to set up your Flourish WooCommerce Plugin: generate your Flourish Username and External API Key, apply them in the Plugin settings, and lastly enable Item Attributes.

Generate and Apply your Flourish Username and External API Key
  1. Generate your Username and External API Key from Flourish by following these instructions: Generate or Reset External API key.
  • Username - API key username generated from Flourish
  • External API Key - Also found in Flourish when you generate your API key
  1. Go back to the Flourish Plugin settings and Copy and Paste the Username and External API Key you just generated.
The API URL and Webhook Signing Key will be auto-generated after these two boxes are filled.
  1. Select the Facility you want all incoming orders populated into and by which Order Type
    • Select the Order Type “Outbound” for Flourish Wholesale Portal wholesale customers.

DO NOT select “Retail”.  The information here focuses on the Flourish WooCommerce Integration Setup for the Flourish Wholesale Portal. “Retail” if for testing only.
Enable Item Attributes

The last step in the plugin setup is to choose the item attributes that will flow from Flourish to WooCommerce, and also filter the brands you want to sync between the two systems.


Once you are done, make sure to click Save Changes

Configure and Enable Webhooks for both WordPress and Flourish

Webhooks are automated messages sent when an action/trigger happens. They have a message and are sent to a unique URL. Outlined below is how you will configure Webhooks in both WordPress and Flourish.

Configure the Webhooks in WordPress

Go into your WordPress ADMIN so that your Webhook endpoints are available by using "Post name" permalinks.

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click Permalinks
  3. Select Post name
Signing Key: Make sure to Copy the signing key. This will be used when enabling your Flourish webhook.
  1. Click Save
Enable the Webhooks in Flourish
  1. Enable Webhooks from Flourish by following these instructions: How to enable Webhooks in Flourish.
    1. You need to create them for:
      1. Item
      2. Retail Order
      3. Outbound Order
      4. Inventory Summary
🔗 Endpoint URL example: https://demoshop.flourishsoftware.com/wp-json/flourish-woocommerce-plugin/v1/webhook
  1. Paste the key generated "Signing Key" that you save when configuring the Webhooks in WordPress
  2. Click Save
Security for Webhooks (click to expand)
More information about securing webhooks with a signing key in Flourish can be found here: Securing your webhooks.

Sync Items/Products

Now that all data and connections are established, now is the time to sync products between the two systems. Simply hit the “Import Products” button. Clicking this will match existing items/products based on SKU, and push all new E-commerce active items from Flourish to WooCommerce. 

You will see a success validation message and also the number of items that have been updated.

To confirm if all items have been synced. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products
  2. Click All Products

You will also see the “In Stock” number against each item. This will always match the “Sellable” number in Flourish.

Add any additional attributes that you want for items like pictures, notes, etc., directly in WooCommerce.

Congratulations! Your Flourish Wholesale Portal (B2B) is now active!

After the integration is live

Items and Inventory

Now that our integration is live, any synced items will auto sync inventory to WooCommerce as we adjust any inventory in Flourish. If an item goes out of stock, the Product listing of it on WooCommerce will also auto-update.

- To sync new items to WooCommerce, make sure the “E-commerce active” flag is turned on. 

- Based on your preferences, you can manage item attributes like description, price etc. using Flourish or WooCommerce. Any custom WooCommerce fields will be directly managed in Woocommerce.


Any new orders coming in will auto populate into Flourish only when they are in the Submitted/Accepted status. If you don’t see an order flowing in from WooCommerce to Flourish, check the following:

  • Make sure the order is not in “Pending/On Hold” status. If it is, Accept or Submit it 
  • Make sure the License number of the customer matches between Flourish and WooCommerce
  • Make sure the Sales Reps name/email match between the systems
  • Make sure all the item SKU’s match between the systems

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