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Flourish Software messages and notifications

Flourish's notification engine

NIr Malchy
Updated by NIr Malchy

Overview of Flourish's notifications:

One unread message

No unread messages

This feature is only deployed for clients with an active Leaflink integration at this time. Flourish is working on adding additional notifications. Please let us know what would be helpful. If you want this feature to be available for only certain users, please send us the list of the users.

View a Notification

Click the bell icon to view messages, read or new (unread) messages. From there, you can view and click on the message to continue to process it. Click the bell icon again to hide the messages.

Notification Actions

After you click the bell icon, you can do the following:

  • Click on the message to navigate to the relevant page to proceed to work.
  • Marking all the notifications as 'read' sets a black background for the messages. Unread notifications have a gray background. This action also clears the number. For example, from "9+ new messages" to "no new messages."

    "9+ new messages"

    "no new messages."

Types of messages

There are several types of messages:

  1. Click on the bell to view the unread messages (gray background):
  2. Click on the message, and the system redirects you to the order on the All Orders screen:

The two below behave the same when you click on them:

  • [Leaflink] Failed to Update Order
  • [Leaflink] Failed to Import Order
  1. Click on the bell to view the message:

  1. Click on the message. The system redirects you to the Sync Errors page (Settings / Integrations / LeafLink Integrations / Sync Errors.) to see the issue:

How did we do?

Flourish Analytics - Export Data
