Retail Purchase limits
This article is going to cover:
- Item configuration - Setting the Usable Cannabis per Unit field.
- Purchase limits enforcement - on the web app and POS.
- Customer relationships management - Adding and editing relationships.
Item Configuration
Set the Usable Cannabis per Unit field.
When you sell a unit of your item, Flourish deducts the Usable Cannabis per Unit from the available quantity for a customer to purchase.
Set the Usable Cannabis per Unit field (quantity and unit of measure) for your retail items to enforce the purchase limit.
Purchase Limit
The Flourish Retail module Enforces Rhode Island customers' two-week rolling purchase limit. The calculated quantity is based on the Usable Cannabis per Unit mentioned above.
The POS and web app display the following:
- Max purchase allowed - for the past 14 days.
- Estimated quantity in the cart - to help the budtender stay within the purchase limit.
POS Display
Web app Display
Customer Profile
To help the retail staff and customers, we display the Max purchase allowed on the web app's customer profile and the POS's customer profile.
If the "Estimated quantity in the cart" is larger than the "Max purchase allowed," the display turns red to alert the budtender:
Flourish validates the data related to the purchase limit on the POS and the web app and lets you know in the following cases:
- The purchase is within the limit of the Max purchase allowed for the past 14 days.
- The item's Usable Cannabis per Unit is not configured.
- The purchase exceeds the Max purchase allowed limit.
Web app validations
When you click Validate on the web app.
The purchase is within limits:
If the purchase is within the limit of the Max purchase allowed for the past 14 days, the web app will prompt you with this error message:
The Item not configured:
If the item you are trying to sell does not have the Usable Cannabis per Unit (both quantity and UOM) configured, the web app will prompt you with this error message:
The purchase exceeds the limits:
If the amount you are trying to sell exceeds the Max purchase allowed limit for the customer, the web app will prompt you with this error message:
POS validations
In the POS, the following actions trigger the validation:
- When you click Complete Purchase - for a purchase with a total balance due of $0.00.
- When you click Check out.
- When you click Pay.
Successful transaction:
If you validate and complete the transaction successfully, the system will prompt this message:
The Item not configured:
If the item you are trying to sell does not have the Usable Cannabis per Unit (both quantity and UOM) configured, the POS will prompt you with this error message:
The purchase exceeds the limits:
If the amount you are trying to sell exceeds the purchase limit for the customer, the POS will prompt you with this error message:
Override the validations
- If you click 'Close', the system returns to the purchase screen.
- If you click 'Proceed' despite the failed validation, the system will prompt the PIN screen to override it:
Customer Management
Add or Edit Relationships
Follow the steps below to add or edit relationships between your existing active Retail Customers.
- Go to Retail.
- Select Customers / All customers.
- Locate the customer.
- Click on the name of the customer.
- Click the Pencil icon next to Relationships.
- To add a relationship:
- Click on
- Select the Relationship Type.
- Search and select from Existing Customers.
- Click Save.
- To edit an existing Relationship:
- Click on the name next to the Relationship.
- Select from Relationship Type and Save, or click to remove.